Hey you all, it is so good to be back in this space and sharing my thoughts and ideas! Last week was the first week where I did not write something up and it felt weird (if I’m being honest) because this is a huge part of my life now. But truthfully, I needed the little break and I’m back and ready to get back to connecting here!!

Today I thought I’d share about a decision I decided to make for myself about 8 months ago. My decision to live a Paleo lifestyle! Here’s the backstory…

The Road to Self Medicating

 I live with anxiety and depression, it’s something I’m quite open and honest about. From early on, I noticed how much moving my body helped me manage my anxiety. It started with falling in love with dancing (at the age of three!) and just went from there. In junior high I began doing at home exercises, and you might be thinking “wow that’s weird, Junior High is so young!” But I can’t stress enough how much it helped me manage my anxiety. I didn’t even know that’s why I was doing it honestly. At the time I was unaware of the anxiety. I just did it because it made me feel good.

Flash forward to last year about 8 months ago… I’m two months away from turning the big “three-oh”. I’m three years postpartum with my second, eating what I thought was “clean”, and working out at least 4 to 5 times a week at the gym. And what do I notice about my body? How did I feel?

I felt really bloated and heavy. My pants were super snug. I was tired constantly and my mind felt like a fog. My depression was not at it’s worst, but I also was not very happy and felt very negatively about myself. To say I was frustrated is a huge understatement. For the first time in my life I felt like I had hit a massive wall with my health and well-being. The fact that I was turning 30 soon gave me that extra nudge to find a better way.

Curiosity Wins

At this time I had been hearing a lot about the Paleo diet. I saw some people who I’ve followed on Instagram for quite some time share some recipes. Brooke from Nesting with Graceand Lynzy from Lynzy & Cowere a few. And what struck me was that they were REAL people, with REAL families. Also, a quick Pinterest search for Paleo recipes had me drooling! I made a board and started pinning things like Paleo brownies, pancakes, muffins, and pizza. A world where I could enjoy all of my favorite foods sounded amazing to me!!!

Walking the Path

I started by buying a couple of paleo baking staples like almond flour and coconut oil. Then got right to work in the kitchen trying out new recipes. I was so impressed by everything I made that I then started making small substitutions in my meals such as eating double veggies in place of rice or pasta. Instead of sandwiches I’d make yummy salads with roasted veggies and nuts. It was all so much easier than I thought it would be and I fell even more in love with nutrient dense foods!! I never withheld food from myself, but just made good choices day by day and if I wanted an “off Paleo” meal every so often I’d do it! And I still do it, because I don’t ever want to feel like some food is bad or good. It’s all food and it fuels us differently.

That’s Nice But What Is Paleo?

Honestly there is so much information out there from more credentialed professionals who can teach you exactly what Paleo is. My version here is a very no nonsense guide for the everyday person with a curiosity about it. I highly recommend doing your own research to learn more. There are also many wonderful books out there that I will share at the end of this post.

Let’s begin with what Paleo is not. It’s

No grains

No refined sugars

No dairy

No legumes

This diet is also referred to as the “caveman diet” because it’s considered to be how our ancestors ate before modern technology, mass farms, and dairies. It has been recommended to those with auto-immune diseases such as Celiac disease aka “the disease where you can’t have Gluten”. The Paleo diet is a completely GLUTEN FREE DIET!

Now, do I have a gluten free allergy? No not necessarily. BUT I did notice how bloated I would feel after eating too much of it, so that’s no fun.

The Changes

Let me tell you all the wonderful changes I noticed immediately after going Paleo:

Clearer Skin

Smaller Waist

Amazing Energy Levels

No Brain Fog

Reduced Anxiety

And I never felt like I was on a diet!

Everyone was commenting at how “tiny” I looked and how my skin was glowing. I would laugh and say I’m eating Paleo brownies and cookies!! It wasn’t a lie though. This diet changed my life. And the best part? I got my mom to get on board too!

Don’t Quit Your Day Gym

Full disclosure, I work out too and enjoy it. It’s more than enjoy, my mind relies on my physical well being to be healthy. To conquer anxiety and depression. I work HARD and fight hard but we’re all fighting through something aren’t we?

I felt so compelled to share this part of my life with you all because maybe you are experiencing similar issues. Or maybe you just want to eat healthier and live a healthier lifestyle. Let me tell you, your diet can heal you or hurt you. I wouldn’t be too concerned with physical appearances as much as I would be with overall well-being. If you feel anything less than inspired by life then I urge you to take a look at the foods you are eating. Start with one recipe and just see where it takes you!

Here to Share

Food and cooking has always been a big part of my life! The cooking part came into play when I became a mom, but when I’m in the kitchen making meals and playing around with flavor combinations I’m always thinking this: “I need to share this recipe with everyone I know!! They will never believe it’s healthy!”

And that folks is just what I’m gonna do..! If I eat something at a restaurant and recreate it at home, you better believe I’m going to share it here. If I find the world’s best brownie recipe, guess who’s gonna be taking photos of the process and writing all about it?!

Alright, clearly I’m getting a little too excited over here but you get the point! God put me here to share it all with you. At least that’s what He keeps telling me and I’m just like “What? Me?” But that’s a story for another time…

Enjoy the rest of your day friends and as promised here are a few book recommendations to learn more about Paleo! Simply click to shop.



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