Well I never thought I’d be writing a post with that headline… Also, never knew how much I took for granted such as Target runs, fresh cappuccinos, and chats with my mom friends IRL!! Life sure threw us a big curve ball this year hasn’t it? I thought I would take today to share how we have changed our whole routine and have been making life work through quarantine with a simple planner and some fresh insight.

Daily Rhythm

I steal the idea of a daily rhythm from the Waldorf style of learning which I adore. A rhythm also sounds so much nicer than “routine”… because I am not trying to add more pressure and stress to my life by creating rigid routines that will make everyone miserable! (that’s just what work for me, you do you😉) Everyone’s rhythm will look different depending on their needs. Use this as a guide to create your own!

Moving onward, here is our daily routine:

8 am breakfast/ get dressed

9 am reading and math

10:30 snack/ playtime

11 art/ activity

12 lunch

12:30 playtime

1 quiet time

2 finish school things

3 snack and playtime

5:30 dinner

6:30 family time/ walk or bike ride

7:30 clean up and bedtime

3 Areas of Focus

After we established a rhythm that worked for us I came to realize that there were three main areas I was drawing attention to every single day. They are…

our daily rhythm (duhh), meals, and my business.

By categorizing these as my main daily tasks I have found I am able to be SO much more productive, but even more so WAYYY less stressed. There is an ease about seeing our daily tasks written out on paper every single day… and I know there are studies somewhere out there that prove this point 😜.

Here is a chart I created to help keep me (and you!) organized for stress-free living whether in quarantine or not. The free printable is attached at the bottom of this post.

The Chart

I like to fill out the Work Tasks and Meal and Snacks section the night before if I can. The daily rhythm remains unchanged! I use this daily planner Monday through Friday for ease of a weekday routine. Print this simple routine planner and take back peace for your life in knowing that you DO in fact have control over how your household is being managed!

A Note About Meals/ Snacks

I am not the first to admit that quarantine stress eating is an actual thing 🤣. That’s why I see planning (loosely) meals and snacks into a routine as such a BIG part of taking the peace back. We feel better when we are eating healthy fooods! I plan to share this in another blog post very soon. I find this also helps so much with using what I already have in my pantry… anyone else less wasteful with food now that it’s not as easy to grocery shop?!

Working Grace

It has taken me a bit to figure out a groove with work again. For many reasons like shock and the fact that I changed my content up for the current times. I want to add that we will most likely not be our MOST productive during this time and the biggest gift that we can give ourselves is grace over this area of our life. For me, getting my kids into a normal and happy routine was my FIRST priority as well my own mental health. Adjust the work load and make YOUR well being a big priority!!

A Guide

I hope this helps any of you guys looking for normalcy and peace back into your life. Use it as a guide to write your best Life Routine!

CLICK HERE to download my FREE daily planner. And be sure to become my newsletter buddy right here for more free goodies like easy family recipes, home and style deals, and more!

Just Fun

Below are a few photos with what we have been up to at home lately like making homemade oat milk, pb&j muffins for tea time, lovely walks spying on the blooming California Poppies, homemade play dough fun, and more. I share daily life and inspiration over on my Instagram account @thrillofhome in case we aren’t friends there yet!

Life sure if sweeter when we get to do this together… especially during strange times such as these! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you are catching glimmers of joy at home friends ❤.

X o X o ,

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One thought on “Quarantine: Our New Routine (+ free planner printable!!)

  1. I love the idea of a daily rhythm, Alyssa, and you’re right – it sounds much better than a routine. We’re homeschooling now too and both working from home, and will need to come up with something which works for us soon. Right now we still make up our learning and activities for the day as we go along, all the while I’m madly trying to squeeze in work. It’s working well enough though and I love the extra time together. All the best to you and your family!

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