Hey guys, we’re wrapping up the weekend over here! We spent it doing our favorite activities to welcome the beautiful new season of spring. I love Spring because it’s the one time of year where I can just FEEL the excitement of changes happening on this little place of home we call Earth. Flowers blooming, baby birds chirping, all of the junk in my house getting thrown away or donated. Even the mundane seems so poetic… ahh spring how I adore you!

This is about the fourth Spring where my kids have been old enough to enjoy this special time, and I think we’ve nailed down our most favorite activities that we get to share with you all now. I’m sooo excited can you tell?!

Rock My Windsock

First up, we made windsocks! I love making this simple craft because it’s appropriate for many different ages and there are so many possibilities! The supplies required are very minimal as well, so even better.

What you need:

Colored paper (cut into strips about 1 inch wide)

Glue Sticks, Glue, and/or Packing Tape

Scissors or Paper cutter (I do the cutting here)

Embellishment choice: crayons for coloring, stamps, markers, paint, glitter, pretty much anything you can think of to make it your own! We used what we had and what was easiest which was stamps. The kids had so much fun!

Hole Punch

Twine or String for hanging

Minimal Supplies, Maximum Fun!
Ready for Stamps!

Wind Sock Instructions

How to Make:

  1. Color, stamp, or paint one piece of colored paper. I used card stock but regular paper will do!
  2. Glue 1 inch cut colored paper to one side of the long side of the paper.
  3. Using packing tape or glue, adhere the short sides together.
  4. Hole punch the top of both sides and loop twine or string through and hang.

You can see the process below!

After stamps we added some glitter to make it sparkle in the wind..!

Bird Feeders of Course!

Of course we just have to make bird feeders at the very first SIGHT of spring! The easiest way is by using paper towel or toilet paper rolls, some peanut butter, bird seed and twine. The kids love spreading on (and eating) the peanut butter! I was so surprised at how well they did this one. They really are growing up… Wahhh!

You will need:

Toilet Paper Rolls (I used a paper towel roll cut in two)

Peanut Butter (or Sun Butter for kids with allergies!)

Bird Seed


That’s it, it’s SO easy to make! Spread on peanut butter, roll around in seed, loop twin through and hang. The birds will love you!

I keep my bird seed in an old Gerber Puffs container and it kinda makes me feel like an old lady haha!
Obligatory PB check before we get started… of course!

I can’t get over how well they did. It made my heart a little sad but also happy!

Rolling in the bird seed!

Isn’t it totally adorable how kids pout their lips and stick out their tongue when they are concentrating? Not so cute as an adult though… haha!

Ants on a Log

All of this peanut butter tasting was making the kids hungry, and it was getting close to lunch so we stopped for a little snack. I love making celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins (aka ants on a log!) because the kids love putting their own toppings or “ants” on their celery sticks.

Filling up his long with “ants”
The whole scene! I just love these flowers I picked up from Safeway.

Time Outside

After we finished up snacking, we went outside to water our flowers. The kids love taking their old watering cans around the yard and watering EVERYTHING. Including grass and our bird bath. They come into our kitchen asking me to fill up their cans every few minutes!

“Mommy I’m watering the grass!”

It was a beautiful day and just what our souls needed. It feels good to slow down, and take some intentional time to be PRESENT. To enjoy what is in store for our lives for the here and now. Now if we could just get the sunshine to kick in, that would be even better!

I leave you with adorable photos of the kids and their windsocks. They are so proud! And you know what? So am I. SO very, very proud!

X o X o,

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