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Hello lovelies! Love is truly in the air, and what better way to celebrate than with a board I like to call the “CharCUTIErie” board. Truth be told, I have been nothing short of obsessed with charcuterie boards for some time now. What is there to love more than a bunch of eye catching and yummy foods all in one tray ready for grab and go eating?? (NOTHING!)

A little tradition I started with the kids for Valentine’s day is making a special breakfast for them. I like to grab some festive cups and plates from the dollar tree store and set up the table just for them so they wake up feeling extra special 😍. It’s these little things that I hope they remember forever and cherish! This year, I realized the charcuterie board just HAD TO HAPPEN for our Vday breakfast and thus was born the “CharCUTIErie” Board.

It’s super simple and fun! You basically need a tray, waffles, and toppings… that’s it! I’ll share how I put everything together, product sources, and waffle cooking times so you can recreate this ‘CUTIE board at home. *HACK- you can even make the waffles ahead of time, freeze and pop in a warmed oven if making breakfast before the kids get up won’t work for you.

So basically, there are zero reasons to NOT make my CharCUTIErie Board. Let’s get to it!

Golden + Flaky Waffles

Waffles are amazing for a fun breakfast with loads of toppings. The other option is pancakes! Here is the waffle maker I bought for only $10 and it’s in the shape of a heart… totally cute right? It has RAVE reviews and I know why. The waffles come out picture perfect every time and I love how cute they look layered on a charcuterie board.

This one is amazon prime πŸ™Œ

To Cook:

Pour 1/8 cup batter onto mini heart waffle maker and cook for set timer for 1 minute and 40 seconds.

You can totally use you own favorite waffle recipe here but to simply my life I bought this mix from Safeway and subbed melted refined coconut oil for vegetable oil. Be sure the water is room temp too! Everyone loved this mix and my husband kids said they were the “best waffles ever”. Moral of the story, a boxed mix can be your best friend here!

Prepare the Board

Obviously you need a good charcuterie board for this delicious project. You can find round ones but I saw this rectangular one at Target and could not pass it up because it’s affordable and made of acacia wood which offers the prettiest wood grain! (Simpy click image to shop)

Here is my exact charcuterie board. It’s actually considered a tray, which I love more than a true board because it’s easy to hold and transport for entertaining. Rave reviews on this item too!

Here are a few more options that are amazon prime and similar in price and style.

Once the charcuterie board is squared away, place varying sizes of bowls (for toppings) on the tray, You can see how I mapped everything out here.

One large bowl in the middle for whipped cream, two small bowls for pomegranate seeds and raspberries, and two small glass cups for syrup. The fun part is making it your own. Add any toppings you wish!

The Waffles are Ready

By now, the waffles should be all ready, crisp and delicious. The mix I used made 16 PERFECT mini heart waffles.

Crispy, golden perfection!

Now layer the waffles on to the charcuterie board and fill in the gaps like so:

Garnishes and Toppings

Technically the board is ready to eat by now… but I think what makes any charcuterie board AMAZING to eat is the beautful visual appeal of it. The colors, textures, garnishes. So find some colorful fruit, slice and arrange.

I used strawberries (whole), kiwis cut with mini heart cookie cutter, sliced cuties mandarins, mint leaves, and heart sprinkles (duhhh!).

Colorful fruits make the most beautiful board.

Layer them on top and get ready for your eyes to pop with brunch excitement.


Garnish with mint leaves and sprinkles!

Bon Appetit

Are you readyyy? When you carry this beauty to the table everyone will be “oohing and awwe-ing’ like crazy, because yeah it’s really that AMAZING. My family dug in right away and even my husband came over to enjoy what I originally had made for the kids only 🀣.

I am so excited to recreate this charcuterie board (I mean CharCUTIErie board πŸ˜‰) again this Friday and see my cuties dig into this special breakfast! When you make you own be sure to tag me @thrillofhome so I can see! And if you are not yet following in on the fun on my account here, don’t miss out… I’m always looking to share all the goods. πŸ’•

I hope you loved this one as much as I did! Leaving you with this photo from 1/3 of my Valentines.

Big Hugs friends!!!

X o X o ,

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