“Oops I did it again..!” If my life were a song it would be this song. What exactly did I do again? Well, let’s say I overestimated just how important it is to give myself breaks. This week on Instagram stories I mentioned how I felt like I had “ran out of juice” and nothing could get me going again. The truth is I worked myself dry and didn’t give myself adequate time to adjust to the new schedule with school on again… Have you done this or is this you right now?

Serving Size 1

And that’s why today’s recipe is for no one but myself. A little smoothie bowl that’s just for me, and hopefully one I can enjoy in peace. Even if it means hiding in the closet to eat haha! It’s not your ordinary smoothie bowl because it’s made to my favorite flavor combo ever which is sweet AND spicy, just like my mood 99.9% of the time 😉 And it’s green so it’s not too bad for me either… KIDDING. It’s actually super duper good for me, and you! This recipe will be on repeat for mom time outs every week for the rest of the school year! Here’s how we make it:

You Will Need:

1 cup frozen mango chunks

1 cup ice

1 cup spinach

1 tsp honey (unless using sweetened milk OR the new milk I’ve been using… see topping notes below)

3/4 cup (+ more) favorite non dairy milk

Optional but totally scrumptious toppings include:

Unsweetened shredded coconut

Chia seeds

Toasted almond slices

Fresh fruit ( I used dragon fruit to be fancy)

Dark chocolate

and one secret ingredient that makes this one smoothie bowl you won’t soon forget…. what is it?


The secret ingredient is Trader Joe’s Chili Lime Seasoning! The way it pairs so perfectly with the mango and dark chocolate has me rehearsing wedding vows about marrying it. It is THAT good!!! And no Trader Joe’s didn’t pay me to say this or write this post, but they really need to because I am their number one fan..!

No smoothie will be complete without thisTrader Joe’s Chile Lime Seasoning

Have No Fear

If you don’t have access to a Trader Joe’s have no fear, if you use chili powder, some salt, and lime juice you will have created an equal flavor profile. And that’s good news because I am crazy anxious to see how you all love this smoothie bowl! Alright, back to the recipe…


Add frozen mango chunks, ice, milk and honey to blender. Be patient. If you need to add a little more liquid add 1 tablespoon milk at a time. (I found I only needed one extra tablespoon for the perfect consistency). Blend until smooth and add toppings including the chili lime seasoning.

I know this seasoning isn’t the typical topping but you will have to trust me that’s it’s just so dang DELICIOUS. My only regret is that I didn’t add more when I made it!

Self love is the best love.

Toppings Up Close

The toppings of any smoothie bowl are truly the stars of the dish! I wanted to share them up close including a new milk I have been using for all of my smoothies lately! If you use this milk you will NOT need to add any honey to sweeten.

Trader Joe’s Unsweetened Coconut flakes make for the best smoothie bowl topping. They are sold at most grocery stores as well.
Dragon fruit is too pretty to not take a self portrait. It’s also so fun to make shapes with and decorate a smoothie bowl with!
This is my new favorite milk for smoothies and protein shakes! Sweetened with honey and filled with the goodness of turmeric and ginger it is the perfect addition to any cold drink.

Will you Trust me on this?

So will you trust me that this is in fact the best smoothie bowl out there with the addition of my secret ingredient?! I sure hope you give it a try. Be sure to tag me @thrillofhome on Instagram. If you are not following me yet you can do that here for Instagram and here for Pinterest. It’s a lot of fun and I appreciate your support. Thanks again and I’ll be back for a new Recipe next Tuesday. Bye guys!!!

X o x o ,

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